Fico Score Boost | MP Credit
What IS a FICO Score?
FICO stands for Fair Isaac Corporation, which is the company that created the industry standard credit scores used by almost all lenders. FICO has been in business since the 1950s but began building the famous FICO score in the mid 1980s. Today, the FICO score is the foundation of virtually all credit extension decisions.
How does MP Credit Repair boost a FICO Score?
Whether you have ‘dead credit’ on your credit bureau report or a litany of credit accounts with open lines of credit, high balances and/or other baggage OR you have no active trade on your report, MP Credit Repair’s proprietary process helps remove the baggage and reestablish a strong credit history.
Diane Carroll and her team of credit experts are your ‘industry insider’. We know what raises and lowers a FICO score and what it takes to make the difference.
Our Team will show you:
- Why NOT to apply for any type of credit…UNTIL we’ve done the ‘housekeeping’.
- How no credit history hurts as much as bad credit history.
- Why creditors look at the credit history that isn’t supposed to matter…and how to remove the ‘bad’ info.
- Why it’s sometimes wise to make those monthly payments INSTEAD of paying off the entire balance.
- Why closing a credit account is a ‘red flag’ to a lender.